Policy Guides

Contributors: Jeremy Michalek, Daniel Armanios, Corey Harper, Destenie Nock, Kate Whitefoot, Matthew Bruchon, Mahtot Gebresselassie, Connor Forsythe, Lily Hanig, and Adam Koling
This technology guide was developed by a team led by Deborah D. Stine, Professor of the Practice, Department of Engineering and Public Policy, and Associate Director for Policy Outreach, Scott Institute; and Reed McManigle, Senior Manager, Center for Technology Transfer and Enterprise Creation, Carnegie Mellon University.
*This guide is currently being updated and will have an updated version available soon*
Managing Variable Energy Resources to Increase Renewable Electricity's Contribution to the Grid [.pdf] (2013)
[news release] [presentation (.pdf)]
Contributors: Jay Apt, Paulina Jaramillo, Deborah D. Stine, Inês Azevedo, P.M.S. Carvalho, Danielle Changala, Gilbert Cohen, Michael Dworkin, Emily Fertig, Baruch Fischhoff, Iris Grossmann, Mark Handschy, Paul Hines, Eric Hittinger, Enes Hosgör, David Yaffe, Warren Katzenstein, Colleen Lueken, Roger Lueken, Brandon Mauch, Jeremy Michalek, M. Granger Morgan, Robert Nordhaus, David Luke Oates, Scott Peterson, Stephen Rose, Todd Ryan, Kyle Siler-Evans, Mitchell Small, Allison Weiss, Jay Whitacre
[news release] [presentation (.pdf)]
Contributors: Deborah D. Stine, Jeanne VanBriesen, Allen Robinson, Mike Griffin, Austin Mitchell, Elizabeth Casman, Peter Adams, Kelvin Gregory, Chris Hendrickson, Paulina Jaramillo, Mohan Jiang, Anirban Roy
Aranya Venkatesh, Paulina Jaramillo, W. Michael Griffin, H. Scott Matthews
Valuation of Plug-in Vehicle Life-cycle Air Emissions and Oil Displacement Benefits [.pdf] (2011)
[policy brief] [press release]
Contributors: Jeremy Michalek, Mikhail Chester, Paulina Jaramillo, Constantine Samaras, Ching-Shin Norman Shiau, Lester B. Lave
M. Granger Morgan, Jay Apt, Lester B. Lave, Marija D. Ilic, Marvin Sirbu, and Jon M. Peha
Economic, Environmental and Security Implications of Plug-in Vehicles [.pdf] (2009)
Jeremy Michalek, Constantine Samaras
Constantine Samaras, Jay Apt, Inês L. Azevedo, Lester B. Lave, M. Granger Morgan and Edward S. Rubin